Those Snow Snakes

M. McLeod, otherwise known as “Snow Snake Mac,” went to Neche today for the purpose of selling a few of the Northwestern Casket company’s products. When asked his euphoneous title, he would venture no information, but kind friends explained that once upon a time he, together with “Oom Paul Berrisford, the biscuit man, did with malice aforethought, waft into the brain of a poor Iowa farmer tales of how snow snakes sixty feet in length annually encroach upon the herds near St. John, N. D., coming down from the Turtle mountains in coveys and returning not before they had eaten a few dozen sheep, cows, etc. They had the Iowa immigrant scared so badly that they sold him a half dozen caskets and several boxes of National biscuits before letting him off.

From— The Evening Times. (Grand Forks, N.D.), 08 April 1907. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.