THE ARKANSAS HOG ♢ It Can Outrun a Greyhound
and Whip a Wolf or a Bear.

An esteemed contemporary gave space to the following communication from a subscriber on “The American Hog:” “Arkansas has a greater variety of hogs and less pork and lard than any state in the Union. An average hog in Arkansas weighs about fourteen pounds dressed with its head on and about six pounds and a half with its head off. It can outrun a greyhound, jump a rail fence, climb like a parrot and live on grass roots and rabbit tracks. It hasn’t much tail or bristle, but plenty of gall. It will lick a wolf or a bear in a fair fight. It is called razorback because it is shaped like a sunfish. In hunting a razorback it is always shot at sideways, for there is not a ghost of a show to hit it otherwise, any more than to shoot at a split shingle. It can drink milk out of a quart jar on account of its long, thin head. This type of razorback known as the stone hog because its head is so heavy and its nose so long that it balances up behind. The owner of this type of hogs usually ties a stone to its tall to keep it from overbalancing and breaking its neck while running. If the stone is too heavy, it will pull the skin all over its eyes, and it will go blind.”

From— East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR), 05 April 1907. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.