HE HELD THE SACK ♢ Interesting Snipe Hunt Stunt Enacted at Ottawa.

Ottawa, Kan., March 23.—Another young man is the wiser for having visited Ottawa. Some of the college boys introduced a visitor to the secrets of the snipe hunt.
After the basketball games at the college gymnasium four Ottawa university boys proposed to George Bond, who is canvassing the school to secure book agents, that they go snipe hunting. Mr. Bond admitted that he had never been snipe hunting but agreed to go when the boys promised to see that he got a nice college girl for the snipe roast which they would have tonight.
After the boys had explained to him all the secrets of the chase and described fully what snipes looked like and the noise they make, so that he would know them when they came, they took him about two miles south of town and left him holding the sack while they went out to round up the snipes.
Mr. Bond got to his room about 3:30 o’clock in the morning. He says that he heard the snipes “cooing” several times but none of them came close enough to be seen.

From— The Topeka State Journal. (Topeka, Kan.), 23 March 1909. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.