HUMAN MONSTER SEEN IN IDAHO ♢ ( Residents of Chesterfield Excited Over Appearance of Eight-Foot Hairy Man. ) ♢ WAS FIRST SEEN BY SKATERS ♢ Started to Attack Party Which Managed to Escape In Wagons—Twenty Men Sent in Pursuit.

SALT LAKE, Jan. 27.—According to the Pocatello (Idaho) correspondent of the Deseret News, a terrible monster has made its appearance in the Saw-tooth mountain district, and the presence of the thing has terrorized the inhabitants of a whole town. The Saw-tooth mountains are said to be the home of various types of monsters, but this latest discovery is described as the most terrible of all.
The monster is human, eight feet to height and covered with long hair, and the residents of the little town of Chesterfield, Bannock county, are greatly excited over his appearance. He was first seen on January 14, when he appeared among a party of young people skating on the Portneuf river. The creature, flourishing a great club and uttering blood-curdling yells, started to attack the skaters, but the latter managed to reach their wagons and drove at breakneck speed from the river.
Those who saw the monster say it is eight feet high and of a terrorizing appearance, with the form of a giant and the actions of a wild beast. A party of armed citizens that returned from the river found the creature’s tracks in the snow. Measurements allowed the tracks to be 22 inches long and seven inches broad. People living in the neighborhood have sent 20 armed men to effect the capture of the monster, pending which the community is terrorstricken.
The district in which the human monster has made its appearance is that in which bald-faced bears are said to live. These animals are reported to be very ferocious, and it is related that they follow the tracks of man or domestic beast until they run down their prey.

From— The Morning Astorian. (Astoria, Oregon), 28 Jan. 1902. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.