STRANGE MONSTER FRIGHTENS PEOPLE ♢ (An Eight Foot, Hair-Covered Giant Terrorizes Idaho.) ♢ POSSE HAS GONE IN PURSUIT ♢ Creature Was First Seen By Party of Skaters Brandishing Huge Club With the Intention of Attacking Them. They Fled In Terror and Escaped.

Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 28.—According to the Pocatello, Idaho, correspondent of The Desert News, the residents of the little town of Chesterfield, located in an isolated portion of Bannock county, Idaho, are greatly excited over the appearance in that vicinity of an 8-foot, hair-covered human monster, he was first seen on Jan. 14, when he appeared among a party of young people who were skating on the river near John Gooch’s ranch. The creature showed fight, and flourishing a large club and uttering a series of yells, started to attack the skaters, who managed to reach their wagons and get away in safety.
Measurement of the tracks showed the creature’s feet to be 22 inches long and 7 inches broad, with the imprint of only four toes. Stockmen report having seen his tracks along a range west of the river.
The people of the neighborhood, feeling unsafe while the creature is at large, have sent 20 men on its track to effect its capture.

From— The Union Times. volume (None), 31 Jan. 1902. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.