AMERICAN MUSEUM, Broadway, opposite St. Paul’s Church.

WONDER OF CREATION! For one week more!

In consequence of the immense crowds of Ladies and Gentlemen which have visited the Museum during the last week, and being aware that thousands of persons have been unable to see the MERMAID, who are desirous of doing so, the Manager has, at an immense expense, made arrangements with the proprietor to exhibit at the Museum, for one week more, the greatest curiosity in the world, the


No extra charge for admission to the Museum.

In order to accommodate the immense number of visitors which daily attend here, there will, this week, be a splendid DAY PERFORMANCE EVERY AFTERNOON, commencing at four o’clock—the performance in the day precisely the same as those in the evening.

Positively the last week of WINCHELL, the Comic Drolierist, who will appear in eight characters—Miss TAYLOR, the popular vocalist from the Park Theatre—LA PETITE CELESTE, ALBINO LADY, BALLOON ASCENSIONS, Fancy Glass Blowing, and 500,000 Curiosities.

Admittance to the whole 25 cents. Children half price. an22

New-York Daily Tribune. (New-York [N.Y.]), 24 Aug. 1842. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.