THE FEJEE MERMAID.—A committee of scientific gentlemen yesterday examined the mermaid brought to this country by Mr. Griffin, and now exhibiting at Concert Hall, No. 404 Broadway, and reported that notwithstanding they had hitherto regarded the existence of this animal as fabulous, and as an anatomical impossibility, they were now convinced to the contrary, and could plainly discover that the formation and anatomical construction of this creature would allow its being under water a great length of time, but that it evidently remained, for the most part, with its head out of water. Nearly two thousand persons visited the mermaid yesterday and last evening, and the crowd daily increases, from the fact that it will positively not be exhibited after Saturday of this week. No person should for a moment delay viewing this curious monster of the mighty deep.

The New York Herald. (New York [N.Y.]), 11 Aug. 1842. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.