In Alsace recently a four-year-old child, the daughter of a workingman, became very ill one day, but speedily recovered, and for some days afterward dismayed her parents by eating a good deal more than a child of that age is wont to eat.
Instead, however, of growing fatter, the girl grew thinner, and doctors, who were summoned to attend her, were unable to explain why the food did her no good. Finally the riddle was solved, for a serpent about 20 inches in length issued one morning from the child’s mouth.
The serpent was killed and sent to the University of Strasburg, and since then the little one has enjoyed excellent health. It is supposed that the child swallowed the serpent while drinking some impure water.

From—The Times. (Richmond, Va.), 10 Aug. 1902. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.