To a silver watch which he carried in his pocket during a lightning storm the other day Napoleon Dutil, a truckman, living at Lewiston, Maine, owes his life. The electric bolt struck the watch, leaving a dent in its edge and smashing the crystal. Under the watch the flesh was badly burned in a circle.
Keys and a key chain which Mr. Dutil had in his pockets when the bolt struck him were destroyed. No one has been able to find even a link of the chain.
Dutil, his son, aged fifteen, and a son of Isaac Leclair were in a barn when the lightning struck, knocking the three from their chairs. Young Leclair’s feet were badly burned and the Dutil boy was unconscious for some time.

From— The Falls City Tribune. (Falls City, Neb.), 12 Aug. 1904. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.