REPORT S.P.C.A. HAS ENDED PATAGONIA MONSTER HUNT ♢ Orders Forbidding Capture of Beast Perturbs Director of Zoo
Buenos Aires, April 7.—Prof. Clement Onelli, director of the Buenos Aires Zoo, who organized the expedition which left for Patagonia March 23 in search of the reported plesiosaurian monster, was disturbed yesterday by dispatches from Trelew, the principal town of the Province of Chubult, saying Governor Franzoni, of the province, had given orders forbidding the capture of the beast.
The dispatches said the Governor acted on instructions received from the Minister of the Interior in Buenos Aires, who had decided to prohibit the hunt at the behest of Dr. Albaraccin, president of the Argentine Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Nothing has been heard from the expedition since it plunged into the wilderness after arriving at Bariloche Pass, in the edge of the Andes Mountains. Yesterday—s dispatches said Governor Franzoni had given instructions to protest against the order “in the name of science.”
Prof. Onelli called upon Minister of the Interior Gomez yesterday afternoon to protest gainst the order ‘in the name of science.’
From— Evening Public Ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]), 07 April 1922. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.