Weird Sea Monster at Providence

Charles Smith, watchman for the Narragansett Bay Oyster company at Prudence island and Thomas Harty, a fisherman, tell a strange tale of a weird sea monster that is borne out by a score of reputable citizens, who say they have seen the beast. The monster first made its appearance here about a week ago. Wednesday Smith and Harty spied it close to shore in shallow water. The creature is as big as an ox, is built like a kangaroo with-out legs, has a fluked tail, a long neck, and a small head, with two horns. Smith emptied his rifle at the beast, but the bullets rattled off the hide. Then he and Harty chased it and managed to fasten it with a noose about the neck to a piling weighing a ton. The monster dragged the piling into the water as though it were a feather and swam off.—Providence (R. I.) dispatch to New York Tribune.

From— The Topeka State Journal. (Topeka, Kan.), 10 Dec. 1908. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.