A Mermaid in the Orkneys.

An interesting spectacle has recently been seen in the Orkneys. It is probably the first of its kind ever authenticated in living memory. A correspondent writes: “What is said to be a mermaid has been seen for some weeks at stated times at Southside, Deerness. It is about six to seven feet in length, with a little black head, white neck and snow white body and two arms. In swimming it appears just like a human being. At times it will come very close inshore and appear to be sitting on a sunken rock, and will wave and work its hands. It has never been seen entirely out of water. Many persons who doubted its genuineness now suppose it to be a deformed seal.”—Table.

Los Angeles Herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]), 06 Oct. 1890. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.