Henry Hudson also discovered the east coast of Greenland and a mermaid. This, at least, is what he recorded of the latter incident : “One of our company, looking overboard, saw a mermaid, and, calling up some of the company to see her, one more came up, and she was then close to the ship’s side, looking earnestly at the men. Soon afterward a sea came and overturned her. Her back and breasts were like a woman’s, her body as big as one of us; her skin very white, and long black hair hanging down behind. In her going down they saw her tail, like the tail of a porpoise and speckled like mackarel. Their names that saw her were Thomas Hills and Robert Rayner.“—All the Year Round.

Sacramento Daily Record-Union. [volume] (Sacramento [Calif.]), 23 Nov. 1888. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.