Return of the Orkney Mermaid.

News has reached Kirkwall that the “mermaid” has again made her appearance at Deerness, Orkney [in the Arctic Ocean, north of Scotland]. The creature has arrived at the same place now many years in succession, where it remains all summer, disappearing in the winter and returning again with fine weather. Last year a large sum of money was offered for its capture, and sportsmen tired to kill it. As it struck out to sea immediately it was fired at and was never again seen till now, it was thought it had been wounded or killed. Naturalists who have got a full description of the “mermaid” think it is an ocean seal, but the people of Deerness, who have watched it closely for years, say it has few if any of the seal’s habits, and maintain it swims like a human being. At the present time it may be observed daily, being very partial to bright sunshine, but it rarely appears on dull days.—Scotsman.

Capital Journal. (Salem, Or.), 15 July 1893. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.