An Extraordinary Invention—Steam Man.
    The following story of a remarkable mechanical invention is told by the Newark (N.J.) Advertiser :
    Zadock Deddrick, a Newark machinist, has invented a man ; one that, moved by, steam, will perform some of, the most important functions of humanity ; that will standing upright, walk or run as he is bid, in any direction and at almost any rate of speed, drawing after him a load whose weight would tax the strength of three stout draught horses.
    The history of this curious invention is as follows : Six years ago, Mr. Deddrick, the inventer, who is at at present but twenty-two years of age, conceived the novel idea of constructing a man that should receive its vitality from a perpetual motion machine. The idea was based on the well-known mechanical principle that if a heavy weight be placed at top of an upright, slightly, inclined from a vertical, gravitation will tend to produced a horizontal as well as vertical motion. The project was not successful. However, by observing carefully the cause of the failure, perserving and perfecting the man form, and by substituting steam in place of the perpetual motion machine, the present success was obtained.
    “The man stands seven feet and nine inches high, the other dimensions of the body being correctly proportioned, making him a second Daniel Lambert, by which name he is facetiously spoken of among the workmen. He weighs 500 pounds. Steam is generated in the body or trunk, which is nothing but a three-horse engine, like those used in our steam fire engines. The legs which support it are complicated and wonderful. The steps are taken very naturally and quite easily. As the body is thrown forward upon the advanced foot, the other is lifted from the ground by a spring and thrown forward by the steam. Each step or pace advances the body two feet, and every revolution of the engine produces four paces.
    As the engine is capable of making more than 1,000 revolutions in a minute, it would get over the ground, on this calculation, at the rate of a little more than a mile a minute. As this would be working the legs faster than would be safe on uneven ground or on Broad street cobblestones, it is proposed to run the engine at the rate of 500 revolutions per minute, which would walk the man at the modest speed of half a mile a minute.
    “The fellow is attached to a common rockaway carriage, the shafts of which serve to support him in a verticle position. These shafts are two bars of iron, fastened in the usual manner to the front of the carriage, and are curved so as to be joined to a circular sustaining bar, which passes around the waist like a girth, and in which the man moves so as to face in any direction. Besides these motions, machinery has been arranged by which the figure can be thrown backward or forward from a vertical nearly forty-five degrees. This is done in order to enable it to ascend or descend all grades. To the soles of the feet spikes or cords are fixed, which effectually prevent slipping. The whole affair is so firmly sustained by the shafts and so excellent a foot-hold, that men are unable to push it over, or in any other way throw it down. In order to enable it to stop quickly, it is provided with two appliances, one of which will, as before stated, throw it backward from the vertical, while the other bends the knees in a direction opposite to the natural position.
    “An upright post, which is arranged in front of the dash-board, and within easy reach of the front seats, sustains two miniature pilot wheels, by the turning of which these various motions and revolutions are directed. It is expected that a sufficiently large amount of coal can be stowed away under that back seat of the carriage to work the engine for a day, and water in a tank under the seat to last half a day.
    “In order to prevent the ‘giant’ from frightening horses by appearance, Mr. Deddrick intends to clothe it, and give it, as nearly as possible, a likeness to the rest of humanity, The boiler and such parts as are unnecessarily heated, will be encased in felt or woolen under-garments. Pantaloons, coat and vest, of the latest styles, are provided. Whenever the fires need coaling, which is every two or three hours, the driver stops the machine, descends from his seat, unbuttons ‘Daniel’s’ vest, opens a door, shoves in the fuel, buttons up the vest, and drives on. On the back, between the shoulders, the steam-cocks and gauges are placed. As there would cause the coat to sit awkwardly, a knapsack has been provided that completely covers them. A blanket neatly rolled up and placed on top of the knapsack, perfects the delusion. The face is moulded into a cheerful countenance of white enamel, which contrast well with the dark hair and moustache. A sheet-iron hat with a gauge top acts as a smoke-stack.
    “The cost of this ‘first man’ is $2,000 though the makers, Messrs, Deddrick & Grass, expect to manufacture succeeding one, warranted to run a year without repairs, for $300. The same parties expect to construct on the same principle, horses, which will do the duty of ten or twelve ordinary animals of the same species. These, it is confidently believed, can be used before carriages, street cars and ploughs. The man now constructed can make his way, without difficulty, over any irregular surface whose ruts and stones are not more than nine inches below or above the level of the road.”
From—The Newberry Herald. (Newberry, S.C.), 12 Feb. 1868. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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