The Souse [drunkard] came out of the hotel elevator about 3 a.m. and looked around the hotel lobby in a scared way. Finally he located a Rummy who was sleeping in a chair.
“Say,” said the Souse, as he woke the Rummy, &lquo;I’m scared, and I can’t sleep. Every time I lie down on the bed a herd of pink elephants creep under the door and begin dancing around the room.”
“Did the pink elephants have red, white and blue hats on their heads?”
“No,” replied the Souse.
“Oh, well, I would’t worry,” assured the Rummy. “I’ve seen lots of pink elephants when I was trying to sleep, but I never get scared until they come into the room wearing red, white and blue plug hats.”

From—The Butte Daily Post. (Butte, Mont.), 14 March 1917. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.