New Yorker Learns How to Climb Tree Subconsciously in Record Time.

Three buck deer, a grizzly bear and mountain lion, the spoils of a ten-days’ hunt in the Monte Cristo region in north-eastern Utah, were brought into Salt Lake yesterday morning by George Humphries, Alfred McMillan and Frank Holt, all of Buffalo, N. Y. The three sportsmen have been the guests of James Schuppe at his ranch in the Monte Cristo range. Early Saturday morning they started overland from the region of their hunting expedition, traveling by wagon.
The grizzly bear is a monster. The day’s hunt, which ended in the bagging, of the big Rocky Mountain monarch, endangered the lives of all three men and their guide. They trailed big bruin for ten miles after finding his tracks in the snow near their camp and cornered him in a clump of brush at the top of Sugar Pine canyon, one of the wildest and most inaccessible spots in Utah.
At the first shot the monster bear charged. In the excitement Holt and Humphries lost their footholds as they scrambied for cover. The force of his rush took the bear right over and beyond Holt’s prostrate form, but before bruin could turn again Holt had reached the shelter of a big tree. He declares he has no recollection of climbing the tree, but his companions say that he reached the topmost branches before the bear had fairly turned around. Two well directed shots from the guns of McMillan and Schuppe, the guide, ended the combat.
All three men say game is very plentiful in the Monte Cristo Country. The mountain lion was bagged on the way to Salt Lake. He was killed in Beaver canyon on the western slope of the Monte Cristo range. The deer were killed in the Woodruff Park region, near the Wyoming line. From Salt Lake the men will ship their spoils to Buffalo, where the deer heads will be mounted and the hides of the bear and cougar made into rugs.
Innumerable will chickens were also brought in by the hunters.

From—The Salt Lake Herald-Republican. (Salt Lake City, Utah), 03 Nov. 1909. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.