Mr. Luther Burbank, the plant Wizard of California, has originated a wonderful new plant which grows anywhere, in any soil or climate, and bears great quantities of luscious berries all the season. Plants are grown from seed, and it takes only three months to get them in bearing, and they may be grown and fruited all summer in the garden, or in pots during the winter. It is unquestionably the greatest Fruit Novelty ever known, and Mr. Burbank has made Mr. John Lewis Childs, of Moral Park, N. Y., the introducer. He says that Mr. Childs is one of the largest, best-known, fairest and most reliable Seedsman in America. Mr. Childs is advertising seed of the Wonderberry all over the world, and offering great inducements to Agents for taking orders for it. This berry is so line and valuable, and so easily grown anywhere, that everybody should get it at once.

Barbour County Index. (Medicine Lodge, Kan.), 03 Feb. 1909. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.