Oakley, Kan., Feb. 3.—In the blizzard of the last 48 hours the greatest damage was done by the Russian thistle, more commonly known as the “tumble weed.” The weeds, which are about the size of a half bushel measure, and almost round, blew over the prairies by the millions. In some cases they even stalled trains by piling in cuts.
Near Oberlin a touring car belonging to the Miller real estate firm, of Elden, caught fire while trying to force its way through Russian thistles and was completely destroyed, the occupants narrowly escaping being burned to death.
Russian thistles by the millions were hurled before the winds and orchards are packed full, yards and fences hidden, alleys and sidewalks blocked and in instances the weeds are piled so high about the houses that only by using pitchforks can occupants clear a way through them.

From— The Mitchell Capital. (Mitchell, Dakota [S.D.]), 04 Feb. 1909. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.