The “Bulletin” revives the following yarn :—Reverting to the Hawkesbury and its numerous oldest inhabitants—it was up that way, that, once upon a time, a traveller found a male person of 60 sitting by the roadside and weeping bitterly. Being asked the cause of the woe, he stated that he had just been walloped by his parent.
This so staggered the traveler that he has to lean against a tree for support, but when he recovered he went to the door of the adjacent house and cautiously reconnoitred. Inside, and ancient of 85 was leaping about in fury, and denouncing the person of 60 for his youth, laziness, cussedness, ill-manner, and general discredibility.
Inquiry revealed that the disgraceful person had been throwing stones at his grandfather, and had hit that venerable on the back with a sample of road-metal. And he had done this merely because he was forbidden to go bird’s-nesting. Yes, they are old, old crowd on the wonderful, “Oxberry” River.

Molong Argus (NSW: 1896 - 1921), 25 Oct 1912. Trove. National Library of Australia.