SOME startling revelations have been brought before the public by a writer in a London daily apropos of a well-known species of unnatural history, the laundri. One might safely classify it as a domestic animal. While there is no proof that this particular species exists to the United States, still there have been many opinions advanced which show traces of it have been discovered. Here are some of the animal’s habits:
This animal is responsible for an appalling amount of destruction. It delights to attack linen in particular, and the loss to the community through the laundri’s depredations is incalculable.
The size of the animal varies. Some are huge, and the student should note that as they grow, they increase the number of their hands. This is important, because the hands cause the damage.
All of the animals make fierce charges, particularly since the war, which seems to have made them bolder. Directly any linen gets into their clutches they attack it with great energy, and it perishes unless rescued quickly.
Precisely why the laundri should cause so much wanton destruction has never been discovered. The laundri is to be found in large numbers in thickly populated centers, where it has much scope for the carrying on of its nefarious activities. It is a naturally cruel animal, which places its victims in hot water and shakes and rubs them until there is little life left in them.
Then, gloating the laundri keeps them captive for quite long periods.

From— East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Or.), 06 Dec. 1919. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.