Are Put on Record, but It is Not Compulsory That One Believe Them.

The whale, like the orator, makes the most noise when nearest the surface of things. When he goes deep you never hear him. Whales spend their time in ocean travel and taking the air. There was once a whale named George Washington. His father had caught a favorite human being and had put him in the refrigerator to keep, when George happened along and swallowed him. George’s father, missing Jonah, which was the name of the dainty, suspected George, and took him out into back ocean current. George thereupon began to weep salt tears, but, with prodigious courage, for a whale said:
“Father, I cannot tell you a tale. I swallowed Jonah with my little swallower.”
Whales are used to lubricate sewing machines, to decorate museums of unnatural history and to reduce to a pulp a woman’s waist line.—Life.

From— The Hopkinsville Kentuckian. (Hopkinsville, Ky.), 01 May 1915. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.