A Fish Story

Roger Dolan, fishing in, Portage Lake, Ontario, catches a dore—wall-eyed-pike-perch, generally and incorrectly called Canadian pickerel.
Dolan kills the four-pound fish with a club, throws it in his canoe. Half hour later, on shore, he cleans the dore, tears its insides out. Two hours afterward, he happens to notice the “cleanings”—and finds the heart beating normally and vigorously as if in the fish. Life still was present.
No one can explain it. But this much is probable: If the dore had the human ability to worry, its heart would have stopped in the canoe or when the insides were torn out. Worry is a sure killer.

From— The Daily Ardmoreite. (Ardmore, Okla.), 12 Oct. 1922. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.