    A car repairer came along, bearing a torch, he made frequent stops to tap the wheels with his hammer as he searched for cars in bad order. I asked him if he knew what train was going west.
    “That one on your left is going and ther is an empty box car a short distance down the line,“ the man answered. I thanked him and walked on in the dark. It was still raining, and I was wet to the skin. I finally found the car and the door being open, I crawled in. It was so dark that I had to grope my way to the farthest end of the car. There was a layer of coarse straw on the floor and the car had the odor of cattle.
    In spite of the fact that the car had been used to transport cattle, I was satisfied. Beggars could not be choosers. Suddenly I heard a gruff voice from the other end of the car as it called out in a tipsy way, “Where are you bound for, neighbor?”
    I answered him shortly, telling him, “Out west”. Then I added, “I thought I was alone in this car.”
    “You might just as well be so far as I am concerned. I am out to get drunk, so far I have drunk a quart and am on my second. You had better have a drink before it is all gone.
    “Well,” I thought, “a drink won’t hurt me, I am cold and wet.” So I crossed over to his corner and groping about in the dark, found the bottle and put it to my mouth. I took a big drink and almost instantly, I felt warmer.
    “Take another drink,“ the stranger invited.
    “No thank you, not just now,” I said, as I filled and lighted my pipe. When the match flared up, I could see the stranger’s face. He looked like a man of forty and was dressed in laborer’s clothes.
    “Close that door. A breaky might see the light. After the train gets under way, you can open it again.” After closing the door, I stumbled back and sat down beside the other traveler and took another drink.
    “Now”, said the stranger, “I am not asking your name or rating or your family history. I am all fed up on family relationship. I quit the home nest not five hours ago. I am a merchant by trade and have been married six years, having no family. My mother in law arrived at my house a week ago. I stood it until tonight, then I broke and ran leaving them the home and all that is in it. I am happy since I left. Have another drink.”

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