“JERSEY DEVIL” IN AGAIN ♢ Reported Seen Near Woodbury, Which ls Still “Wet”

The “Jersey Devil” is in again!
It appeared again this morning Just as dawn was breaking on the roof of the bag-loading plant at Woodbury. The monster, according to guards near the plant, has grown considerably since last seen here. Some say it looked like a calf with an owl’s head. Others assert it was much smaller—not much larger than a fox. Still others declared it had a body like a dachshund, with a head like a parrot.
Those whose views are regarded more seriously say the thing had a body like a bat and a head like it weasel. The original “Jersey Devil” was captured and exhibited some years ago. The animal seen in Woodbury may be the “Jersey Devil, Jr.” Incidentally, Woodbury is one of the few towns in south Jersey which is still wet [permits the sale of alcohol], and yesterday was pay day.

From—Evening Public Ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]), 08 Jan. 1919. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.