Hartford Insurance Man Has an Unusual Experience.

Hardford, Conn.—Though nobody ever accused William A. Moore, first vice-president of the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, of being a spiritualist or a member of any of those kindred cults, nevertheless Mr. Moore’s former incredulity is staggering under a remarkable psychological vision and a weird conversation which he thinks he had at the moment that his friend Richard P. Romaine, president and general manager of the Windsor Locks Paper Company, died recently. Mr. Moore is vainly seeking an explanation of the marvelous phenomenon.
Just before closing time Mr. Moore, having signed his mail, was dozing on a couch in his private office, when he was suddenly aware of a familiar voice calling appealingly: “Will! Will!”
“Who is it ?” he asked.
“It’s Romaine,” came the reply, in short accents. Bewildered, Mr. Moore shook himself together and searched his office, and then, bursting open the door into the main office, had the telephone operator hurry a call to the Romaine home. When he asked for Mrs. Romaine he was told that she could not answer just then; and he inquired how Mr. Romaine was getting along.
“He died about two minutes ago,” replied the maid. And now Mr. Moore wants an explanation as to how his life-long friend communicated with him at the moment of death.

From—Barbour County Index. (Medicine Lodge, Kan.), 07 April 1909. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.