It’s Friday, the Thirteenth.
Don’t do anything today. For if you do, the superstitious ones say you’ll have a pack of bad luck.
Don’t start in business until tomorrow, they say. Don’t take a journey, it’s sure to come out bad, is the warning of those who believe in signs.
If you’re on the police force, don’t do anything crooked today or Hoyne will grab you sure.
If you’re married, don’t go home with a strange hair on your coat, and don’t fail to bring her some candy, anyway. If you’re a public school teacher, don’t say anything in favor of the Chicago Teachers’ Federation or Jake Loeb will hit you with his majority of eleven votes. Don’t get married today, it’s unlucky—especially if you’ve already got a wife.

And now go ahead and do as you blamed please.

From— The Day Book. (Chicago, Ill.), 13 Oct. 1916. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.